• Pulley problem! Help! ASAP!

    Updated: 2012-10-31 18:04:40
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* *2. Relevant equations* *3. The attempt at a solution*

  • Stress energy tensor's Component

    Updated: 2012-10-31 18:01:35
    Hello, Considering stress energy tensor as: [T00,T01,T02,T03 T10,T12,T13,T14 T20,T21,T22,T24 T30,T31,T32,T33] Is T00=Energy density?

  • Power series in Physics

    Updated: 2012-10-31 17:59:24
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* I have to show that the Planck radiation formula reduces to the Rayleigh-Jeans formula in the classical limit for blackbodies. *3....

  • Developing Recurrence Formula (Closed)

    Updated: 2012-10-31 17:49:02
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* I am given the following property of the strings. each length n string must have even occurence of 1's. so, for example string...

  • Directional Derivative question. Calculus III/2-variable.

    Updated: 2012-10-31 17:39:02
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* Let f(x,y,z)=sin(xy+z) and P=(0,-1, pi), Calculate Duf(P) where u is a unit vector making an angle 30° =θ with dFp? *2. Relevant...

  • Expansion of Universe but no expansion of galaxies

    Updated: 2012-10-31 17:38:25
    In my Cosmology course it is stated that the space between galaxies increases with time whilst the size of galaxies (or gravitationally bound space) does not increase. To me, this seems quite...

  • Laplace Sine Transform

    Updated: 2012-10-31 17:17:09
    [itex]L[sin(at)]=\frac{a}{s^{2}+a^{2}}, Re[s]0[/itex] [itex]L[e^{kt}]=\frac{1}{s-k}, sk[/itex] [itex]L[e^{-kt}]=\frac{1}{s+k}, s

  • Optimization problem with constraint

    Updated: 2012-10-31 17:17:00
    PROBLEM STATEMENT: Determine if [itex]f(x,y) = x^2+y^2[/itex] has a maximum and a minimum when [itex]2x^3+3x^{2}y+3xy^{2}+2y^3=1[/itex]. (1) ATTEMPT TO SOLUTION: A standard way of solving these...

  • Paradox Book Review

    Updated: 2012-10-30 22:35:53
    Education Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum Paradox Book Review By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide October 30, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter I've just finished a charming new book , Paradox : The Nine Greatest Enigmas in Physics by Iraqi-born British physicist Jim Al-Khalili . As the name suggests , the book explores a series of scientific paradoxes and uses them as the springboard for a deeper analysis of fundamental scientific concepts , ranging from time travel the classic grandfather paradox to the quantum mysteries at the core of the quantum Zeno effect For a complete list of the scientific paradoxes tackled within the book , I direct you toward our review of

  • What else could the Higgs be?

    Updated: 2012-10-30 16:00:00
    On July 4, scientists around the world popped open champagne bottles and toasted the culmination of nearly five decades of research. They had discovered a new particle, one that looked awfully similar to the long-sought Higgs boson. The Higgs boson has for decades been the last missing piece of the Standard Model of particle physics. But even if the new particle completes the puzzle, some of its pieces still refuse to fit.

  • Postdoctoral position in loop quantum gravity at UNAM, Morelia, Mexico

    Updated: 2012-10-28 23:48:49
    The Quantum Gravity Group of the Center for Mathematical Sciences (Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas, CCM) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Morelia is inviting applications for a Postdoctoral fellowship to start on September 1st 2013. (The date is possibly flexible.) The fellowship is for an initial duration of one year, and [...]

  • Postdoctoral position in gravitation at the Hebrew University

    Updated: 2012-10-28 14:09:13
    There will be a postdoctoral opening in gravitation physics at the Hebrew University for the academic year 2013-2014 (preferred starting date of Oct. 1, 2013, but earlier starting dates will be considered) with an optional second year.  This is intended only for a person who obtained the Ph. D on or after Oct. 1, 2008.   [...]

  • October 2012 Big Bang Theory episodes

    Updated: 2012-10-27 07:15:25
    Education Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum October 2012 Big Bang Theory episodes By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide October 27, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter Season 6 of CBS' The Big Bang Theory has started off with a well , with a bang , I suppose . The episodes have tackled a diverse range of scientific concepts , from the Higgs boson to homeostasis to the holographic principle and even goes so far as to cover science topics which don't start with an H Check out our coverage of this month's episodes and the meaning of the science behind them , along with some of the more interesting and amusing science-related : quotations Episode 2, The Decoupling Fluctuation

  • SLAC gets a new director

    Updated: 2012-10-24 01:00:00
    SLAC has a new director: X-ray scientist Chi-Chang Kao. Kao currently serves as Associate Laboratory Director for SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource and Acting Associate Laboratory Director for the lab's Photon Science directorate. He will assume the directorship on November 1.

  • Gravitational waves

    Updated: 2012-10-23 18:00:00
    Gravitational waves were first predicted by Albert Einstein almost a century ago, but scientists have yet to observe them directly.

  • Living Reviews in Relativity: “The Kerr/CFT Correspondence and its Extensions”

    Updated: 2012-10-23 12:07:32
    Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on “The Kerr/CFT Correspondence and its Extensions” by Geoffrey Compère on 22 October 2012. Please find the abstract and further details below. NEW: Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/livrev_lrr PUB.NO. lrr-2012-11 Compère, Geoffrey “The Kerr/CFT Correspondence and its Extensions” ACCEPTED: 2012-06-13 PUBLISHED: 2012-10-22 FULL ARTICLE AT: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2012-11 ABSTRACT: We present a first-principles derivation of the main results [...]

  • Winterovers

    Updated: 2012-10-23 01:11:51
    University of Wisconsin-Madison Search Home About Us IceCube Explained Meet the Collaboration FAQ Fun Facts Project Staff Directory Committees Science All About Neutrinos IceCube in Depth South Pole to Science Publications Construction Timeline Data Access Documents and Reviews Monthly Reports 2010 IceCube Review 2008 IceCube Update ICRC 2009 Contributions Preliminary Design Doc 1st Year Performance Yearly Statistics Acronyms Life Pole Daily Life Working at the Pole Antarctic Animals Antarctic Tourism Antarctic Weather Edu Outreach Events Calendar Request a Visit Student Programs REU Upward Bound ITA Activities Ice Drilling Cloud Chamber Popcorn Neutrinos Micrometeorites Partners Collaborating Orgs Governance Document Current Authors Organization Chart Funding Agencies Acceptable Use

  • HCP2012 Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 2012

    Updated: 2012-10-23 01:11:43

  • Postdoctoral position in numerical loop quantum cosmology at LSU

    Updated: 2012-10-21 16:36:26
    The theoretical relativity group at LSU aims to fill, contingent on funding, an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to work in numerical loop quantum cosmology starting January 2013 or earlier. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another year subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds. The [...]

  • PACIFIC 2012

    Updated: 2012-10-20 21:00:00
    P A C I F I C 2 0 1 2 Home Program Participants Contact the organizers PACIFIC 2012 a symposium on Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Including Fundamental InteraCtions Sept . 1-7, 2012, Moorea , French Polynesia Program September 1 11:30 12:00 Neil Davies Director , Gump Station Welcome remarks 12:05 12:35 Francis Murphy Associate Director , Gump Station Orientation 12:35 14:00 lunch 14:00 14:30 Pierre Sokolsky U . Utah The trouble with ultra-high energy cosmic rays 14:35 15:05 Martin Pohl U . Potsdam and DESY What cosmic-ray anisotropy tells us 1.2 MB 15:10 15:40 Shigehiro Nagataki U . Kyoto Life of long gamma-ray bursts : from explosion to remnants 15:50 16:15 Coffee break 16:15 16:45 Soebur Razzaque George Mason U . High energy emission from gamma ray bursts 16:50 17:30 discussions

  • Profile Bernd Stelzer

    Updated: 2012-10-19 23:55:21
    Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University SFU.ca Burnaby Surrey Vancouver SFU Search SFU Online A-Z Links Home About SFU Physics Teaching Research People Faculty Staff Adjunct , Associate Emeritus Faculty Instructors Postdocs Research Associates Graduate Students Research Teaching Assistants Visitors Alumni Friends Login Bernd Stelzer , Assistant Professor B.Sc . Hons Cape Town Dipl . Phys . Heidelberg Ph.D . Toronto Feodor Lynen Fellow , Humboldt Foundation UCLA Contact Info Phone 778.782.7731 Fax 778.782.3592 Locations SFU Office P8472 Fermilab CDF 164 C CERN ATLAS 40 1-C15 Email stelzer(at sfu(dot ca Research Web Site High Energy Physics Group Research Group High Energy Physics Research Interests Subatomic particle physics Collider experiments at the high energy frontier ATLAS and

  • Home Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

    Updated: 2012-10-19 23:55:18
    Home Scientific Outreach About What's New Contact Careers Perimeter Scholars International Support Français SCIENTIFIC Research Areas Seminars PIRSA Conferences Courses Positions Publications Visitors Research Staff Shuttle Service OUTREACH About General Public Teachers Students Public Lectures Arts and Culture ABOUT What's New Careers People Internal Contact Us 31 Caroline St . N . Waterloo Ontario , Canada N2L 2Y5 Tel : 519 569-7600 Fax : 519 569-7611 HEADLINES more POSTDOC APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED Recruitment has started for postdoctoral fellowships to being in fall 2013. RECRUITING ASSOCIATE FACULTY WITH WESTERN Perimeter and Western are recruiting for a joint position in theoretical physics . WORLD'S FIRST GLIMPSE OF BLACK HOLE LAUNCHPAD Science Express features a paper by the

  • People Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

    Updated: 2012-10-19 23:55:17
    Home Scientific Outreach About What's New Contact Careers Perimeter Scholars International Support Français Scientific Outreach What's New About PI Contact Us Search 31 Caroline St . N . Waterloo Ontario , Canada N2L 2Y5 Tel : 519 569-7600 Fax : 519 569-7611 Home People Director , Faculty Neil G . Turok PhD Imperial College 1983 Cosmology Dr . Neil Turok earned his PhD at Imperial College . After a postdoc in Santa Barbara , he was appointed Associate Scientist at Fermilab before moving to Princeton where he became Professor of Physics in 1994. In 1997 he was appointed to the Chair of Mathematical Physics in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics DAMTP at Cambridge . In October , 2008, he moved to the Perimeter Institute as its new Director . Among his many honours

  • Reiner Kruecken TRIUMF Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics

    Updated: 2012-10-19 23:55:15
    TRIUMF Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics Laboratoire national canadien pour la recherche en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules Home About TRIUMF Research Administration Login Directory Visiting TRIUMF Tours of TRIUMF TRIUMF House Parking Information For Students Teachers For Visiting Researchers Upcoming Events Upcoming Seminars Lectures Upcoming Conferences Global Photowalk 2012 Multimedia Videos Reports Newsletter Library Publications Office Style Guide Press Room News Releases Medical Isotopes Fact Sheets Media Contact Speakers Bureau Careers at TRIUMF TRIUMF House Contact Us Our Future Vision The ARIEL Facility Innovation Partner Connect Owned and Operated as a joint venture by

  • Templeton Funds Physics of Information

    Updated: 2012-10-19 19:47:32
    FQXi has recently issued a Request for Proposals, using money from the Templeton Foundation to fund about $3 million in grants for research on the “Physics of Information”: What is the relationship between information and reality? Can information exist without … Continue reading →

  • Learning to play the dark matter boogie

    Updated: 2012-10-19 18:00:00
    Scientists from the groups of professors Risa Wechsler and Tom Abel at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, an institute run jointly by Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, are busily crafting enough computer simulation tools to outfit a major stadium tour—if simulations were musical instruments and the KIPAC scientists a supergroup. They’ve managed to meld their different strains of software into the type of melody that dark matter just might dance to.

  • CERN The Large Hadron Collider

    Updated: 2012-10-19 15:49:34
    Home Sitemap Contact us this site all CERN CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research The Large Hadron Collider About us Science Research The LHC People Why the LHC How the LHC works Heavy-ion physics The LHC experiments ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb TOTEM LHCf Computing The safety of the LHC Facts and figures LHC Milestones The Large Hadron Collider Our understanding of the Universe is about to change . The Large Hadron Collider LHC is a gigantic scientific instrument near Geneva , where it spans the border between Switzerland and France about 100m underground . It is a particle accelerator used by physicists to study the smallest known particles the fundamental building blocks of all things . It will revolutionise our understanding , from the minuscule world deep within atoms to the vastness

  • CERN LHC Experiments ALICE

    Updated: 2012-10-19 15:49:34
    : Home Sitemap Contact us this site all CERN CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research The Large Hadron Collider About us Science Research The LHC People Why the LHC How the LHC works Heavy-ion physics The LHC Experiments ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb TOTEM LHCf Computing The safety of the LHC Facts and figures LHC Milestones ALICE A Large Ion Collider Experiment For the ALICE experiment , the LHC will collide lead ions to recreate the conditions just after the Big Bang under laboratory conditions . The data obtained will allow physicists to study a state of matter known as quark‑gluon plasma , which is believed to have existed soon after the Big . Bang All ordinary matter in today's Universe is made up of atoms . Each atom contains a nucleus composed of protons and neutrons , surrounded by a

  • Postdoctoral position in General Relativity at Southampton

    Updated: 2012-10-19 09:54:21
    Postdoctoral position in General Relativity Salary: 27,578 to 37,012 GBP per annum Duration: 3 years Closing Date: 21 November 2012 Reference: 168412PJ The School of Mathematics at the University of Southampton is offering a 3-year postdoctoral position in General Relativity. The position is available from spring 2013, but a later start can be negotiated. The successful candidate will be [...]

  • Angry Birds to teach particle physics

    Updated: 2012-10-18 16:28:20
    CERN and Angry Birds-creator Rovio announced last Friday that they will team up to produce a learning program for children between 3 and 8 years old. The partnership will focus on the Angry Birds Playground brand, which is designed to make learning about physics fun and accessible for all ages. It is based on Finland’s national kindergarten curriculum.

  • Postdoctoral position in loop quantum gravity at LSU

    Updated: 2012-10-18 15:56:28
    The theoretical relativity group expects to have, contingent on funding, an opening for a postdoctoral researcher or senior postdoctoral researcher working in loop quantum gravity starting September 2013. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another one or two years subject to satisfactory progress and availability of [...]

  • Postdoctoral Position in Gravitation Theory at the University of Florida

    Updated: 2012-10-17 08:43:20
    A postdoctoral position may be available in the Gravitation Group and the Department of Physics beginning in the fall of 2013. Applications are invited from theorists with research interests in the area of general relativity, with specific emphasis on theoretical aspects of gravitational radiation, post-Newtonian theory and other approximation methods, and strong-field tests of [...]

  • Accelerators can search for signs of Planck-scale gravity

    Updated: 2012-10-15 15:30:01
    (Phys.org)—Although quantum theory can explain three of the four forces in nature, scientists currently rely on general relativity to explain the fourth force, gravity. However, no one is quite sure of how gravity works at very short distances, in particular the shortest distance of all: the Planck length, or 10-35 m. So far, the smallest distance accessible in experiments is about 10-19 m at the LHC.

  • Jiggling Atoms (October 15, 2012 podcast)

    Updated: 2012-10-15 05:00:00
    Art, music and particle physics collide at an exhibition in London. We talk to the artists and physicists behind the project.

  • Aspen Center for Physics

    Updated: 2012-10-13 21:14:01

  • APS Physics DPF Division of Particles Fields

    Updated: 2012-10-13 21:14:01
    American Physical Society Sites APS Journals PhysicsCentral Physics Become an APS Member Contact Us Division of Particles Fields Governance Newsletters Meetings APS Fellowship Prizes Awards Resources Email Print Share Division of Particles Fields The objective of the Division is the study of fundamental particles and fields , their structure , their interactions and interrelationships , the design and development of high energy accelerators , and the design and development of instrumentation techniques for high energy . physics News Community Planning Meetings starting Oct 2012 DPF Newsletter APS Multidivisional Neutrino Study A Joint Study on the Future of Neutrino Physics : The Neutrino Matrix Upcoming Meetings APS April Meeting 2013 April 13-16, 2013 APS April Meeting 2014 April 5-8,

  • Community Planning Meeting CPM2012 11-13 October 2012

    Updated: 2012-10-13 21:13:58
    US Central English Login More Community Planning Meeting CPM2012 11-13 October 2012 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory US Central timezone Overview Agenda Updated Charge to Group Conveners Community Summer Study 2012 Intensity Frontier Report Request ReadyTalk Connection Information Live Video Stream Links Instructions for Speakers Speaker index Indico Upload Guide for Speakers Contribution List CPM2012 Poster Travel Accommodations Support Home The Division of Particles and Fields DPF is organizing this Community Planning Meeting CPM 2012 to set the stage for a two-week Community Summer Study CSS2013 to be held from July 29 to August 10, 2013 at the University of Minnesota . The purpose of CSS2013, held in the tradition of previous Snowmass meetings , will be to help chart the next ten

  • Community Planning Meeting CPM2012 11-13 October 2012

    Updated: 2012-10-13 21:13:54
    US Central English Login More Community Planning Meeting CPM2012 11-13 October 2012 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory US Central timezone Overview Agenda Updated Charge to Group Conveners Community Summer Study 2012 Intensity Frontier Report Request ReadyTalk Connection Information Live Video Stream Links Instructions for Speakers Speaker index Indico Upload Guide for Speakers Contribution List CPM2012 Poster Travel Accommodations Support Home Timetable Session details Contribution details Questions for the community from the NSF : Id 3 : Place : Room Auditorium Starting : date 11-Oct-2012 09:10 US Central : Duration 15' : Presenters GONZALEZ , Saul : Material Slides Included in : session Plenary Session 1 https : indico.fnal.gov event CPM2012 Last modified : 13 October 2012 16:05

  • Community Planning Meeting CPM2012 11-13 October 2012

    Updated: 2012-10-13 21:13:53
    US Central English Login More Community Planning Meeting CPM2012 11-13 October 2012 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory US Central timezone Overview Agenda Updated Charge to Group Conveners Community Summer Study 2012 Intensity Frontier Report Request ReadyTalk Connection Information Live Video Stream Links Instructions for Speakers Speaker index Indico Upload Guide for Speakers Contribution List CPM2012 Poster Travel Accommodations Support Home Timetable Session details Contribution details Questions for the community from the DOE : Id 4 : Place : Room Auditorium Starting : date 11-Oct-2012 09:25 US Central : Duration 15' : Presenters SIEGRIST , Jim : Material Slides Included in : session Plenary Session 1 https : indico.fnal.gov event CPM2012 Last modified : 13 October 2012 16:05

  • Two postdoctoral positions in Quantum Gravity Theories at Fudan University

    Updated: 2012-10-13 09:37:50
    The newly established “Classical and Quantum Gravity Group” (spacetime structure from small to large scales) at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has several postdoctoral positions to fill as soon as possible. The group right now consists of two Faculty members, one postdoc and two students. We are looking for candidates with interest/experience in Quantum Gravity Theories. [...]

  • Video: Making an accelerator run

    Updated: 2012-10-12 06:00:00
    Every year, particle accelerators play an essential role in scientific discovery, industry and even medicine. But what does it take to make an accelerator run? This video, produced by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, takes you into the department that builds klystrons, the devices that propel particles to nearly the speed of light within SLAC’s accelerators. 

  • Keeping ahead: a look at physics in Japan

    Updated: 2012-10-10 14:33:26
    View on demand: an online lecture presented by Adarsh Sandhu

  • 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics Goes to Quantum Pioneers

    Updated: 2012-10-09 07:25:49
    The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded this morning to American physicist David Wineland and French physicist Serge Haroche for "for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring & manipulation of individual quantum systems."...Read Full Post

  • Nobel honors research by particle trappers

    Updated: 2012-10-09 06:00:00
    The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics to two scientists who developed groundbreaking experimental methods that are the first steps toward building a new type of supercomputer known as a quantum computer. Their research has also led to the construction of extremely precise clocks that may replace present-day atomic clocks.

  • 49th Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics: Cosmology and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics

    Updated: 2012-10-08 21:26:55
    The recent studies of dark matter and dark energy problems rely on (independent) modifications of both sides of the Einstein equations in order to explain current cosmic acceleration. The winter school will concern with both sides of the Einstein equations. The Einstein tensor determines the energy-momentum tensor of a fluid. In general, the relativistic fluid [...]

  • Stars dancing around a black hole may test relativity

    Updated: 2012-10-05 19:29:02
    A star found zipping around the supermassive black hole at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy may be just what scientists need to test Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, according to a paper published in today’s issue of Science.

  • Video: Understanding the underpinnings of the universe

    Updated: 2012-10-04 21:40:41
    According to chemistry, everything in the universe is made of about 100 elements, as described by the Periodic Table. According to particle physics, those elements can be further divided into subatomic particles. The Standard Model, physics' answer to the Periodic Table, contains a short list of ingredients for all of matter: six quarks, six leptons and four force-carrying particles. 

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